Saturday 5 October 2013

The Illamasque Distinction In Make-up Artistry Awards 2013

'We are colour you are beauty'

I had the wonderful opportunity to witness the Illamasque distinction in make-up artistry awards, which was held in London, at BAFTA 195 Piccadilly. 

The competition was split into three categories, non-professional, student and professional. 

Non-Professional Competiton

The non-professional was my favourite category: the atmosphere was intense as the audience sat and watched the four non-professional finalists battle it out with face-paint and mascara. 
I was shocked to see the level of skill these 'non-professionals' worked at, you say 'unprofessional', but the looks that have been created are truly mind blowing and surreal. I was most impressed by the close attention to fine details to each look, and the pace that they worked at in such a stressful environment. Each make-up artist had their own individual style which made the competition even more intense!

My favourite look in this category definitely belongs to Stefanija Vektere:

This look is truly extravagant, it is romantic and space-agey, I love the use of metallic shades, both the lips and the eyes are very dark, but it does not overpower the makeup, I think that the white eyebrows and pale complexion balances out the sinister shades, giving it a clean crisp finish. 

I think that this look juxtaposes fierce and feminine aspects, the fierce aspect comes from the dark eyes and angular warrior like collar art. For the feminine aspects, the lips are emphasised, which adds a sexy factor. 

The glitters used on the eyes remind me of space and the galaxies, I could imagine a space warrior princess rocking this look! 

Student Competition 

The student competition was also very tense. I thought that all four contestants were really well prepared as I could see very detailed mood boards and had a confident appearance. 

I really admire their bravery for going head to head in such a terrifying atmosphere (knowing they will soon receive judgement from Alex Box!) 

My favourite look from this category belongs to Frankie McKernon: 

I love this look because although, it is still a very dramatic image, I consider this look very natural looking compared to the looks created by the other competitors. I am definitely reminded of Marilyn Monroe when I look at this picture because of the similar locks.

The reason I like this look so much is because I feel that I have seen so many looks that are created with vivid colours and harsh edges that the elegance and softness in this look felt like a breath of fresh air, something that is completely different. 

This look is simply sexy, soft and warm. 

Professionals Competition

Last but not least, the pros got their turn to show what they had. 

All of these looks are very fantasy like and completely surreal. 

To begin with, the look on the top right hand corner was my favourite until she added the feathers onto the face. I thought the contacts added enough drama and that the feathers covered too much of the face, making it the focus of the piece and outshines the beautiful shading and attention to detail. 

I have decided that this is my favourite look out of the professional category simple because of the skill that has been shown through the symmetry and blending in this look. I think the hair works amazing with the makeup and the complementary nails look fabulous (and dangerous). 

Overall, I think that the Illamasque awards was an great experience and I aspire to be the one on the platform at next years awards. 

ALSO, check out some photos I took on the day, enjoy :)

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