Tuesday 8 October 2013

Practical Session 1 - Preparing the face.

Avaliable from:beautysalon.wordpress.com
(8th October 2013)
Makeup should ALWAYS be applied to clean skin, makeup application requires a clean, fresh canvas. 

It is essential that the face is well prepared BEFORE you start any make-up application. 

Preparation is executed in 5 major steps. 

1) Consultation

It is important that before you touch the models face with any products you ask if they have any allergies and if they ave taken any medication beforehand.This ensures that you know what products are safe to use on the skin, you are also aware of how to execute the preparing and applying the makeup later on. For example, a model may have a little irritation on the face or slight acne, in this case, you would need to be super gentle when handling those areas on the face. 

Also, remember to ask if your model is wearing contact lenses, if contact lenses are being worn, remember to pay extra attention and gentleness around the eye area.

Note: Always use skin products for SENSITIVE SKIN. 

2) Setting up the station

It is most important that you set up your station ready to execute the procedure. By doing so, you are not running about trying to gather things as you go, also HYGIENE is essential. Always inspect the surface you are about to put your products and tools on, if it is necessary  wipe down with bacteria wipes or lay down a clean towel or paper over the surface, this will ensure you have the cleanest set up. 

Before you go anywhere near the model's face WASH YOUR HANDS, it is always nice to tell the model that you are about to work on that you are about to go and wash your hands. This will reassure the model, and she/he will have more confidence in you.

It is recommended that you pin the models hair back to avoid getting any of the cleansing product into the hair as it will make the hair greasy and styling the hair will become more difficult. 

3) Cleansing the skin 

When cleansing the skin and removing makeup, it is suggested that you use a soft cleansing lotion rather than an alcohol based makeup remover as it is harsher to the skin. I like to use SIMPLE products, they contain vitamins and no artificial perfumes or colour. It is a drugstore brand, but it gets the work done! 

Drew Barrymore. (2013). Simple Skincare Line. Available: www.simple.co.uk. Last accessed 8th Oct 2013.

When removing face makeup always use gentle upward motions, ask the model regularly if they are okay and if you are applying too little or too much pressure. Using downward motions will increase the chances of premature wrinkles and fine lines. 

When it comes to removing eye makeup, cotton buds are my best friends, because you can get in between the eyelashes and at the corner and tear-duct of the eyes to make sure all mascara and eyeliner is removed. If the model has been wearing fake eyelashes, I suggest that you go in with a little moisturiser as the oils in the moisturiser will force the eyelash glue to slip and slide and you can get rid of it quickly. The eye area is extremely delicate because the skin surrounding the eye is thinner that the rest of the skin on the face, so use a very gentle hand! 

Note: Always bin dirty cotton pads and buds, use plenty of them, if you stick to one or two cotton pads to remove an entire face of makeup, you are reapplying the old makeup and bacteria onto the face, and this defies the purpose of cleansing. 

Always try to keep the models eyes closed throughout the process to avoid irritation an redness.

4) Toning the skin 

After you are done removing all the makeup, you can proceed to toning. Toning is the process of removing dead skin cells from the face, as well as removing any dirt and makeup that you have not fully removed in the cleansing process. It also removes any access oils. Toning your skin will help keep your skin clear and firm and leaves you with smaller pores. Cleansing and toning the skin properly will avoid acne! 

Again, use upward motions hen you are applying toner to the skin. 

Note: You could also suggest and recommend exfoliating: exfoliating will remove all dead skin cells and dirt trapped within pores. Always only recommend exfoliating the skin a maximum of 3 times a week as skin can become over sensitive and irritated when over exfoliated. 

5) Moisturising 

When skin is exposed to the elements, skin an lose its natural moisture and you can be left with dry skin. This is one of the major causes of wrinkles and fine lines, moisturising properly will help maintain the skin and slow down the ageing process and forms a barrier between the skin and the elements, it will also make make-up application much more smoother. HOWEVER, do not over moisturise so that there is a greasy slick on the face, this will back fire and make makeup application harder as it can not grab onto the skin, instead slipping a sliding around-a pea sized amount of moisturiser should be adequate.

When applying moisturiser to someone else, squeeze a pea sized amount onto the palm of your hand and run both hands together, almost like you are applying hand cream, but do not run any onto the back of your hand as this will go to waste. 
Then gently apply the moisturiser on the models face by stroking the face in upward motions. Gently massage the cream into the cheek and around the jaw line, mouth and nose, try and avoid the eye area, and don't forget to apply to the neck. 
Again, always ask your model if they are comfortable and if you are applying the right amount of pressure.

When the entire cleansing process is complete, stand back and inspect your models face. CHECK FOR SKIN DISEASES/DISORDERS. If you spot anything, you may need to change the method of makeup application or decide if any make-up application is suitable. You can work round some skin problems and disorders, but some an be infectious and you need to suggest your model to seek medication. 

Here are a list of skin diseases/disorders that you may encounter:


     Ø  A skin disease marked by red, itchy scaly patches

·      Affects 2% of people in the UK
·      Can affect anywhere on the body, most common on the elbows, knees and lower back.
·      Is caused by antibodies attacking the skin by mistake.
·      Can also affect the scalp. 

     A number of fungal infections that grow in a patch or circle on the skin

·      Can be passed on through direct contact and sharing items such as towels, bedding or combs.
·      Most common in children

    Pale white patches on the skin, more noticeable on areas exposed to sunlight.

·      Pigmentation disorder

Ø  A skin disorder that causes pimples when the passageway that connects the skin’s pores to the oil glands become clogged. 

·      Is most common in teenage years where there is huge release of hormones.
·      Treatment include, creams and skin treatments, sometimes, medication has to be prescribed by doctor.
·      Acne can cause scarring.


Ø  Itchy red flaky skin

·      Can be treated by keeping the skin moisturized.
·      Some beauty products and perfume can trigger eczema

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