Sunday 10 November 2013

Paperself Lashes

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”
- Marcel Proust

PAPERSELF is the world's leading wearable paper-art brand for lashes.  

PAPERSELF do a variety of different designs: 

For part of my course, I attended a lash deco workshop where I was gifted a pair to work with. 

The design I was gifted was the 'Antique Jewellery' set:
We had to use the lashes to create a look from the four face-charts that we created beforehand. I choose to add this lash with the 'neutral colour' face-chart: 

As you can see, the colours used on the face are very warm, complimenting the very pale complexion but the lashes really stand out, giving the look a lot of edge. 

I decided to experiment more with the lashes and created two more face-charts using the lashes: 

The facechart above is using complementary colour scheme, this time the use of the paperself lashes are on the bottom lash. 

This facechart again is created using neutral colours, with darker eyes and lips. 
I tried this look out on myself and this is the outcome: 

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